Frequently asked questions


Why do scores go into negative figures?

Why is the score inaccurate after you've played more than one game in a row?

Are there plans for a future Flyordie Rating Calculator with support for multiple games?


Why do scores go into negative figures?

In the first version, scores sometimes go into negative figures. This problem has been fixed in the second version, and shouldn't happen again. It was just a minor mistake on the part of me. Obviously, negative scores in Flyordie do not exist.


Why is the score inaccurate after you've played more than one game in a row?

After the first game played in a row, the formula used to calculate what your rating changes. I know how to calculate what your rating will be after two games in a row, but don't know how to work out the other possibilities. Therefore, it is essential that you are aware that the Flyordie Rating Calculator (v1.0 & v1.1) is only suitable for 1 frame games. It does not work properly for 2 or more consecutive games played. If you would like to discuss more about this, please visit the forum.


Are there plans for a future Flyordie Rating Calculator with support for multiple games?

Yes, there are plans, but I've already tried to produce a calculator with support for multiple games but found the process too hard. This is mainly due to the complicated formula and maths involved. If anyone would like to help me develop such a program, please leave a message in the forum under the topic 'help wanted.'